Ying ZHU
Associate Professor
Research Interests
- Emissions of contaminants and impact factors
- Environmental fate and exposure modeling of emerging and persistent organic chemicals
- Environmental and human health risks
Academic Work Experience:
Jan. 2021-present, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tenure-Track Associate Professor
May 2018-Jan. 2021, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, CAS, China, Assistant Professor
Apr. 2016-Mar. 2018, Lancaster University, UK, Postdoc/ Research Associate
Dec. 2011-Mar. 2016, Environmental Science, Lancaster University, UK, PhD
Sep. 2006-Jul. 2009, Environmental Science, Peking University, China, M. Sc.
Sep. 2004-Jul. 2006, Economics, Peking University, China, B. Economics
Sep. 2002-Jul. 2006, Environmental Science, Peking University, China, B. Sc.
Professional Service:
Journal ‘Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry’, Editorial Board Member
Selected Publications
Underlines: students supervised; * corresponding author
- Ying Zhu, Huijing Huang, Yunhui Zhang, Guannan Xiong, Qinghua Zhang, Yujun Li, Shu Tao, Wenxin Liu*. Evaluation of PAHs in Edible Parts of Vegetables and Their Human Health Risks in Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province, China: A Multimedia Modeling Approach. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, Accepted.
- Kai Lei, Chunye Lin, Ying Zhu*, Wei Chen, Huiyun Pan, Zhe Sun, Andrew Sweetman, Qinghua Zhang, Mengchang He. Estrogens in municipal wastewater and receiving waters in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China: Occurrence and risk assessment of mixtures. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 389: 121891.
- Kai Lei, Ying Zhu*, Wei Chen, Huiyun Pan, Yuanxin Cao, Xuan Zhang, Bobo Guo, Andy Sweetman, Chunye Lin*, Wei Ouyang, Mengchang He, Xitao Liu. Spatial and seasonal variations of antibiotics in river waters in the Haihe River Catchment in China and ecotoxicological risk assessment. Environment International, 2019, 130: 104919.
- Ying Zhu, Jason Snape, Kevin Jones, Andrew Sweetman*. Spatially explicit large-scale environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in surface water in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53 (5): 2559-2569.
- Ying Zhu, Shu Tao, Jianteng Sun, Xilong Wang, Xiangdong Li, Daniel CW Tsang, Lizhong Zhu, Guofeng Shen, Huijing Huang, Chuanyang Cai, Wenxin Liu*. Multimedia modeling of the PAH concentration and distribution in the Yangtze River Delta and human health risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 647, 962-972.
- Kai Lei, Ying Zhu*, Wei Chen, Huiyun Pan, Bobo Guo, Xuan Zhang, Yuanxin Cao, Andrew Sweetman, Chunye Lin*. The occurrence of home and personal care products in the Haihe River catchment and estimation of human exposure. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 643, 63-72.
- Ying Zhu*, Oliver Price, John Kilgallon, Yi Qi, Shu Tao, Kevin Jones, Andrew Sweetman*. Drivers of contaminant levels in surface water of China during 2000–2030: Relative importance for illustrative home and personal care product chemicals. Environment International, 2018, 115, 161-169.
- Zhe Sun, Ying Zhu*, Shaojie Zhuo, Weiping Liu, Eddy Y. Zeng, Xilong Wang, Baoshan Xing, Shu Tao. Occurrence of nitro- and oxy-PAHs in agricultural soils in eastern China and excess lifetime cancer risks from human exposure through soil ingestion. Environment International, 2017, 108, 261-270.
- Ying Zhu, Oliver Price, John Kilgallon, Cecilie Rendal, Shu Tao, Kevin Jones, Andrew Sweetman*. A multimedia fate model to support chemical management in China: a case study for selected trace organics. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50 (13), 7001-7009.
- Ying Zhu, Shu Tao, Oliver Price, Huizhong Shen, Kevin Jones and Andrew Sweetman*. Environmental distributions of benzo[a]pyrene in China: Current and future emission reduction scenarios explored using a spatially explicit multimedia fate model. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49 (23), 13868-13877.
- Ying Zhu, Oliver Price, Shu Tao, Kevin Jones, Andy Sweetman*. A new multimedia contaminant fate model for China: How important are environmental parameters in influencing chemical persistence and long-range transport potential? Environment International, 2014, 69, 18-27.
- 朱樱,吴文婧,王军军,秦宁,王印,王雁,何玘霜,徐福留*。小白洋淀水—沉积物系统多环芳烃的分布、来源与生态风险。湖泊科学,2009, 21(5), 637-646。
朱樱,薛蓓,谢彦佼,刘先利,陶澍*。用连续提取法研究芘在鱼鳃表面的结合形态。生态毒理学报,2006,1 (1),75-79。
Research Projects
- Natural Science Foundation of China, General Program, High-resolution dynamic modelling of widely used pharmaceuticals in Chinese environments and impact factors, 01/2020–12/2023, PI (610,000 CNY)
- Sub project IV of National Key R&D Program of China, Highly sensitive biological systems for sensing and identifying environmental persistent toxic pollutants – application and evaluation of the systems, 07/2019–06/2024, CO-PI (1.32 million CNY)
- Natural Science Foundation of China for Youth, Contamination and health effects of indoor fine particles and PAHs in rural areas of North China, 01/2011–12/2013, PI (210,000 CNY)