Longfei REN
Assistant Research Fellow
Office:Building of Environmental Science, Room 119
Office:Building of Environmental Science, Room 119
Research Interests
- Wastewater treatment
- Membrane and membrane processes
Jul. 2019-now, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Assitant research fellow
Sept. 2015-Jun. 2019, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Ph.D.
Sept. 2012-Jun. 2015, Shandong University, Master
Sept. 2008-Jul. 2012, Qingdao University of Technology, Bachelor
Selected publications
- L.-F. Ren, E. Al Yousif, F. Xia, Y. Wang, L. Guo, Y. Tu, X. Zhang, J. Shao, Y. He, Novel electrospun TPU/PDMS/PMMA membrane for phenol separation from saline wastewater via membrane aromatic recovery system, Separation and Purification Technology, 212 (2019) 21-29.
- L.-F. Ren, M. Adeel, J. Li, C. Xu, Z. Xu, X. Zhang, J. Shao, Y. He, Phenol separation from phenol-laden saline wastewater by membrane aromatic recovery system-like membrane contactor using superhydrophobic/organophilic electrospun PDMS/PMMA membrane, Water Research, 135 (2018) 31-43.
- L.-F. Ren, L. Lv, Q. Kang, B. Gao, S.-Q. Ni, Y.-H. Chen, S. Xu, Microbial dynamics of biofilm and suspended flocs in anammox membrane bioreactor: the effect of non-woven fabric membrane, Bioresource Technology, 247 (2018) 259-266.
- L.-F. Ren, R. Chen, X. Zhang, J. Shao, Y. He, Phenol biodegradation and microbial community dynamics in extractive membrane bioreactor (EMBR) for phenol-laden saline wastewater, Bioresource Technology, 244 (2017) 1121-1128.
- L.-F. Ren, F. Xia, V. Chen, J. Shao, R. Chen, Y. He, TiO2-FTCS modified superhydrophobic PVDF electrospun nanofibrous membrane for desalination by direct contact membrane distillation, Desalination, 423 (2017) 1-11.
- L.-F. Ren, F. Xia, J. Shao, X. Zhang, J. Li, Experimental investigation of the effect of electrospinning parameters on properties of superhydrophobic PDMS/PMMA membrane and its application in membrane distillation, Desalination, 404 (2017) 155-166.
- L.-F. Ren, L. Lv, J. Zhang, B. Gao, S.-Q. Ni, N. Yang, Q. Zhou, X. Liu, Novel zero-valent iron-assembled reactor for strengthening anammox performance under low temperature, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 100 (2016) 8711-8720.
- L.-F. Ren, S. Liang, H.H. Ngo, W. Guo, S.-Q. Ni, C. Liu, Y.-K. Zhao, D. Hira, Enhancement of anammox performance in a novel non-woven fabric membrane bioreactor (nMBR), RSC Advances, 5 (2015) 86875-86884.
- Z. Wei, P. Li, M. Hassan, P. Wang, C. Xu, L.-F. Ren, Y. He. Employing a novel O3/H2O2+BiPO4/UV synergy technique to deal with thiourea-containing photovoltaic wastewater, RSC Advances, 9 (2019) 450-459.
- J. Li, S. Xu, M. Hassan, J. Shao, L.-F. Ren, Y. He, Effective modeling and optimization of PVDF–PTFE electrospinning parameters and membrane distillation process by response surface methodology, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, (2018) 47125.
- M. Adeel, L.-F. Ren, J. Li, J. Shao, A. Jawad, C. Su, Y. Wang, L. Guo, Y. He, Enhanced mechanical properties of PDMS/PMMA composite membrane using MWCNTs and its application in phenol separation from saline wastewater, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, (2018) 47123.
- C. Xu, L. Chen, L. You, Z. Xu, L.-F. Ren, K. Gin, Y. He, Z. Wei. The occurrence, impact variables and potential risk of PPCPs and Pesticides in a drinking water reservoir and related drinking water treatment plants in Yangtze Estuary, Environmental Science: Processes Impacts, 2018, DOI: 10.1039/C8EM00029H.
- S. Xu, L.-F. Ren, Q. Zhou, H. Bai, J. Li, J. Shao. Facile ZIF-8 functionalized hierarchical micronanofiber membrane for high-efficiency separation of water-in-oil emulsions, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 135 (2018) 46462.
- R. Chen, L.-F. Ren, J. Shao, Y. He, X. Zhang, Changes in degrading ability, populations and metabolism of microbes in activated sludge in the treatment of phenol wastewater, Rsc Advances, 7 (2017) 52841-52851.
- C.-H. Ge, N. Sun, Q. Kang, L.-F. Ren, H.A. Ahmad, S.Q. Ni, Z. Wang, Bacterial community evolutions driven by organic matter and powder activated carbon in simultaneous anammox and denitrification (SAD) process, Bioresource Technology, 251 (2017) 13-21.
- Y. Chen, K. Yu, Y. Zhou, L.-F. Ren, G. Kirumba, B. Zhang, Y. He, Characterizing spatiotemporal variations of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in headwater catchment of a key drinking water source in China, Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 24 (2017) 27799-27812.
- L. Lv, L.-F. Ren, S.Q. Ni, B. Gao, Y.N. Wang, Effect of magnetite on the start-up and N2O emission reduction of anammox process, Rsc Advances, 6 (2016) 99989-99996.