白晶(Bai Jing)
- 环境纳米功能材料:新型纳米材料的设计以及应用在环境污染物处理和绿色能源转化等方面的研究。
- 光/电化学催化废水、废气污染控制及资源化技术:各类废水、废气的高效同步降解和资源回收的研究。
2011/9-2012/9,多伦多大学,博士后,合作导师:Ted Sargent
2004/9–2010/5, 上海交通大学, 环境科学, 博士
2000/9–2004/7, 哈尔滨工业大学, 环境工程, 学士
H Yang, J Bai*, T Zhou, C Zhou, C Xie, Y Zhang, J Li, A Simchi, B Zhou*, Electrochemical coupling conversion of sulfur-containing gaseous waste to treasure: A key review, Applied Catalysis A, General, 2023, 654, 119085.
J Wang, J Bai*, Y Zhang, L Li, C Zhou, T Zhou, J Li, H Zhu, B Zhou*, Unconventional Substitution for BiVO4 to Enhance Photoelectrocatalytic Performance by Accelerating Polaron Hopping, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2023, 15, 14359−14368.
L Li, J Bai*, P Jiang, Y Zhang, T Zhou, J Wang, C Zhou, J Li, B Zhou*, Efficient H2O2 electrosynthesis and its electro-Fenton application for refractory organics degradation, Engineering, 2023.03, inpress
J Wang, T Zhou, Y Zhang, L Li, C Zhou, J Bai*, J Li, H Zhu, B Zhou*, Type-II Heterojunction CdIn2S4/BiVO4 Coupling with CQDs to Improve PEC Water Splitting Performance Synergistically, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 45392−45402
Y Zhang, W Tang, J Bai*, J Li, J Wang, T Zhou, X Guan, B Zhou*. Highly efficient removal of total nitrogen and dissolved organic compound in waste reverse osmosis concentrate mediated by chlorine radical on 3D Co3O4 nanowires anode. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 424(2022), 127662
Y Zhang, Y Ji, J Li, J Bai*, S Chen, L Li, J Wang, T Zhou, P Jiang, X Guan, B Zhou*. Efficient ammonia removal and toxic chlorate control by using BiVO4/WO3 heterojunction photoanode in a self-driven PEC-chlorine system. Journal of Hazardous Materials 402(2021), 123725
B Zhang, J Bai*, Y Zhang, C Zhou, P Wang, L Zha, J Li, A Simchi, B Zhou. High yield of CO and synchronous S recovery from the conversion of CO2 and H2S in natural gas based on a novel electrochemical reactor. Environmental science & technology, 55(2021): 14854
X Mei, J Bai*, S Chen, M Zhou, P Jiang, C Zhou, F Fang, Y Zhang, J Li, M Long, B Zhou*. Efficient SO2 removal and highly synergistic H2O2 production based 2 a novel dual-function photoelectrocatalytic system. Environmental science & technology, 54(2020): 11515
S Chen, J Li, J Wang, H Zhu, J Bai*, Y Zhang, T Zhou, M Zhou, B Zhou*.Multistep Surface Trap State Finishing Based on in Situ One-Step MOF Modification over Hematite for Dramatically Enhanced Solar Water Oxidation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsami.0c06445
T Zhou, S chen, L.S. Li, J Wang, Y Zhang, L Li, J Bai*, L Xia, M Rahim, Q Xu, ...B Zhou*. Carbon quantum dots modified anatase/rutile TiO2 photoanode with dramatically enhanced photoelectrochemical performance. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 269 (2020) 118776
- L Xia, F Chen, J Li, S Chen, J Bai*, T Zhou, L Li, Q Xu, B Zhou*. Efficient organic pollutants conversion and electricity generation for carbonate-containing wastewater based on carbonate radical reactions initiated by BiVO4-Au/PVC system. Journal of Hazardous Materials 389(2020), 122140
F Chen, J Li, L Xia, J Wang, S Chen, Y Zhang, J Bai*, L Li, T Zhou, M Rahim, Q Xu, B Zhou*. The synergic generation of CO3− and O2− radicals in a novel photocatalytic fuel cell for efficient oxidation of carbonate-containing wastewater and simultaneous electricity production. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 119227
- L Li, S Chen, Y Zhang, J Li, J Bai*, T Zhou, J Wang, C Zhou, L Xia, Q Xu, B Zhou*. Tungsten sulfide co-catalytic radical chain-reaction for efficient organics degradation and electricity generation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 118471
- F Chen, L Xia, Y Zhang, J Bai*, J Wang, J Li, M Rahim, Q Xu, X Zhu, B Zhou*. Efficient degradation of refractory organics for carbonate-containing wastewater via generation carbonate radical based on a photoelectrocatalytic TNA-MCF system. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 259(2019) 118071
- Y Zhang, J Li, J Bai*, X Li, Z Shen, L Xia, S Chen, Q Xu, B Zhou*. Total organic carbon and total nitrogen removal and simultaneous electricity generation for nitrogen-containing wastewater based on the catalytic reactions of hydroxyl and chlorine radicals. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 238 (2018) 168–176
- L Qiao, J Bai*, T Luo, J Li, Y Zhang, L Xia, T Zhou, Q Xu, B Zhou*. High yield of H2O2 and efficient S recovery from toxic H2S splitting through a self-driven photoelectrocatalytic system with a microporous GDE cathode. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 238 (2018) 491–497.
- S Chen, J Li, J Bai*, L Xia, Y Zhang, L Li, Q Xu, B Zhou*. "Electron blocking and hole extraction by a dual-function layer for hematite with enhanced photoelectrocatalytic performance." Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 237(2018): 175-184.
- Y Zhang, J Li, J Bai*, Z Shen, L Li, L Xia, S Chen, B Zhou*. "Exhaustive conversion of inorganic nitrogen to nitrogen gas based on a photoelectro-chlorine cycle reaction and a highly selective nitrogen gas generation cathode." Environmental science & technology 52(2018): 1413-1420.
- L Xia, J Li, J Bai*, L Li, S Chen, B Zhou*. "BiVO4 Photoanode with Exposed (040) Facets for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Performance." Nano-Micro Letters 10(2018): 11.
- K Zhao, J Bai*, Q Zeng, Y Zhang, J Li, L Li, L Xia, B Zhou*.Efficient wastewater treatment and simultaneously electricity production using a photocatalytic fuel cell based on the radical chain reactions initiated by dual photoelectrodes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 337(2017):47-54
- T Luo, J Bai*, J Li, Q Zeng, Y Ji, L Qiao, X Li, B Zhou*. "Self-Driven Photoelectrochemical Splitting of H2S for S and H2 Recovery and Simultaneous Electricity Generation." Environmental science & technology 51(2017): 12965-12971.
- Q Zeng#, J Bai#, J Li, B Zhou*, Y Sun*. "A low-cost photoelectrochemical tandem cell for highly-stable and efficient solar water splitting." Nano Energy 41(2017): 225-232.
- Y Ji, J Bai*, J Li, T Luo, L Qiao, Q Zeng, B Zhou*. "Highly selective transformation of ammonia nitrogen to N2 based on a novel solar-driven photoelectrocatalytic-chlorine radical reactions system." Water research 125 (2017): 512-519.
- Y Zhang, J Li, J Bai*, L Li, L Xia, S Chen, B Zhou*. "Dramatic enhancement of organics degradation and electricity generation via strengthening superoxide radical by using a novel 3D AQS/PPy-GF cathode." Water research 125(2017): 259-269.
- K Zhao, Q Zeng, J Bai*, J Li, L Xia, S Chen, B Zhou*. "Enhanced organic pollutants degradation and electricity production simultaneously via strengthening the radicals reaction in a novel Fenton-photocatalytic fuel cell system." Water research 108(2017): 293-300
- R Wang, J Bai*, Y Li, Q Zeng, J Li, B Zhou*. "BiVO4/TiO2(N2) Nanotubes Heterojunction Photoanode for Highly Efficient Photoelectrocatalytic Applications." Nano-Micro Letters 9(2017):14
- J Bai, R Wang, Y Li, Y Tang, Q Zeng, L Xia, X Li, J Li, C Li, B Zhou*. "A solar light driven dual photoelectrode photocatalytic fuel cell (PFC) for simultaneous wastewater treatment and electricity generation." Journal of hazardous materials 311 (2016): 51-62.
- J Bai, Y Li, R Wang, K Huang, Q Zeng, J Li, B Zhou*. "A novel 3D ZnO/Cu 2 O nanowire photocathode material with highly efficient photoelectrocatalytic performance." Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3(2015): 22996-23002.
- J Bai, B Zhou*. "Titanium dioxide nanomaterials for sensor applications." Chemical reviews 114(2014): 10131-10176.
- X. Lan#, J Bai#, ..., Sargent, Edward H. Self-assembled, nanowire network electrodes for depleted bulk heterojunction solar cells. Advanced materials, 25(2013):1769-1773
- J Bai, J Li, Y Liu, B Zhou*, W Cai. "A new glass substrate photoelectrocatalytic electrode for efficient visible-light hydrogen production: CdS sensitized TiO2 nanotube arrays." Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 95(2010): 408-413.
- J Bai, Y Liu, J Li, B Zhou*, Q Zheng, W Cai. "A novel thin-layer photoelectrocatalytic (PEC) reactor with double-faced titania nanotube arrays electrode for effective degradation of tetracycline." Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 98(2010): 154-160.
获得国家高层次青年人才, 上海市优博和上海“扬帆”人才计划等荣誉。主持国家重点研发计划专项,自然青年、面上基金,水专项等10余项、目前发表SCI论文100余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Chemical Reviews, Advanced materials, Nano Energy, Environ. Sci. Technol., Appl. Catal. B, Water Res等发表论文40余篇,他引4000余次,高被引论文6篇。
国家自然科学基金-国际(地区)合作与交流项目,21981360641, 2019,主持
国家自然科学基金青年项目,2150708,2016-2018, 主持
上海市“一带一路”青年科学家项目,18520744900, 2018-2020,主持
- 2012年,上海市优秀博士论文
- 2014年,上海交通大学“SJTU-SIP”优秀教师奖
- 2015年,“横山亮次”优秀论文奖
- 2017年,上海交通大学李兰馨奖
- 2017年,上海交通大学晨星奖励计划